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Art E Fact Day 5 Still 2 1200x675

ART e FACT Sci-Fi feature film in production

The SYNCANDI Transmedia Art project has become a Feature Film series. We are currently producing the first movie in the series entitled ART e FACT. ART e FACT is a sci-fi intrigue about the effect of creativity and criticism on an authoritarian society. The narratives explore moral issues around artificial intelligence, synthetic biology and political…


SYNCANDI art + music experiment 03

Hello – Roberto here.  It has been mentioned in this blog and elsewhere, that I’ve been working on a collection of musical works to accompany the SYNCANDI COMIC. As an aside: Interesting circular creative collaborative process here. I write a screenplay. Illustrator Joanna Krótka turns it into a comic. Then I compose music inspired by her artwork! The…

Humans used Genies Res to experiment with artificial evolution

EXT. BEACH – DAY Long golden sandy beach. Cloudless sky. No wind. Gentle swell. Ikkyu casually walks along the water’s edge. Deep in thought, Ikkyu remembers… SYNC (V.O) …So humans used this place to experiment with artificial evolution? SHAMAN (V.O) Yes, on a grand scale. They needed to solve the mystery of why the DNA…

Editor’s Choice: Ikkyu’s underwater adventures

For today’s post I’ve chosen to share three gorgeous images of Ikkyu in three different undersea  environments. I chose these three in particular, to demonstrate the striking contrast in the style of backgrounds that filmmaker David Nerlich created for the  Love Song of Genies Res music video.  David used Nono Nagami’s poignant lyrics as a starting point for…